ICD Brookfield Place, Dubai

The self-climbing jumpform rig was used to assemble the vertical steel and concrete elements during the construction of the 53-storey office and retail complex at Marina Gate, Dubai. The jumpform system’s modular frame comprised the formwork and working platforms for fixing of the steel and concrete, and was designed to give ascend the building through the use of hydraulic jacks.

We analysed the jumpform rig in two forms: in the static phase and in the lifting phase, with differing supports used in each case. In the static scenario, the frame was supported by 36mm rods threaded through the cast concrete core wall. In the jumping scenario, the jacks were connected to the top of the cast concrete wall.

We created a 3D model of the rig within STRAP analysis software to interrogate each section of the structure in the model environment. Using client specified loads, we
analysed 9 different loading scenarios including steel self-weight, live loads, shutters, upper and lower deck loads and concrete boom connections.

Our analysis included the calculation of bending moment, shear, tension, compression and capacity of the structure for each loading scenario, considering the grade of steel of the frame, bolt types and local wind speeds, roller connections, bracing connection and brackets.